Central Library

Central Library


It is said that a book is a dream that you hold in your hand. In Akshaya, wehave house of knowledge which is user-focused, innovative, and excellence-driven. It manages knowledge, both in print and digital formats, ensures seamless discovery and access to scholarly resources. A professional support is provided to faculty and students to find, evaluate and use such resources in an effective way. We also provide high-quality ambiance for both reflective and collaborative work and study which ultimately spreads light on their paths.


To develop the Library as a treasure of knowledge so as to provide a conducive and competitive learning facility for students, teachers, research scholars and entrepreneurs.


  • To disseminate the resources among the stakeholders for effective usage through books, journals and Information Technology driven tools

From the Librarian’s Desk

“The book to read is not the one that thinks for you but the one which makes you think” – Harper Lee

Books are said to be the world of magic that pours endless information into one’s head. Akshaya’s library focuses on providing the required ambience for students’ well being. We provide them all sorts of books which foster knowledge and inculcate the thirst for learning. By providing access to digitally available subscriptions, it adds power and space for collaborative study. We have a strong collection of books, journals, newspapers and other resources those feed the needs of students and research scholars.

Mrs. N.Ramasabareeswari (Librarian)
Mr. A.Kirubanithy (Assistant Librarian)
Mrs. R.Manika Vasuki (Library Assistant)

Library Collections

Books Total No. of Volume 21855
Total No. of Titles 8791
Journals Journals 72
International 18
E-Resources Delnet IESTC-e Journal package 1378
EBBSCO e-book package 6600
News papers 5
Non Book Materials (CD/DVD) 1423
Back volumes 591
Project Volumes 1127
NPTEL 342 (Web courses)
329 (Video Courses)

Library Sections

Circulation Section

The circulation counter is automated. Members are requested to bring their Barcode Identity Card (single multipurpose card) whenever they visit the library. Books are issued on loan and received back in this counter. The borrower’s tickets method is abolished and the members can borrow the books by producing the barcode membership identity card. Barcode scanners are used in the circulation counter for issue/return and renewal of books.

S.No. Category No. of Books Duration
1 U.G.Students 6 15 Days with 1 Renewal
2 P.G.Students 6 15 Days with 1 Renewal
3 Teaching Staff 6 1 Semester
4 Other staff members 3 1 Semester

Periodical Section

We have more than 90 of National, International journals, magazines and news papers. Currently, 591 back volumes are available in this section.

  • Developing Library Network – DELNET – ACET LIBRARY is the member of DEVELOPING LIBRARY NETWORK, to coordinate with other regional, national and international networks and libraries for exchange of information and documents. www.delnet.nic.in
  • Online Public Access Catalogue – OPAC – Students can browse the library database by clicking the key words like – Author, Title, Subject, etc. available in OPAC. Status of the book and user can also be checked.

Digital Library Section

The digital Library section has Connected 150 Mbps internet hub and Thirty systems are provided with multimedia facilities for access to the users. Projector facility is also available in this section.

National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning – NPTEL

The Central Library has subscribed the course materials for Computer Science Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering. Click Run, type 
\\  (or) \\ for NPTEL access.

  • />

Reference Section

Our library has huge collection of reference books such as General Knowledge Books, GRE, TOFEL, GATE, MAT CAT, PROJECTS, OLD QUESTION PAPERS, BACK VOLUMES, CD, DVD etc.

Library Services

Inter Library Loan Service

Inter Library Loan Service is a service whereby a user of one library can borrow books or receive photocopies of documents that are owned by another library. ACET Library provides resources from DELNET Databases.

News Paper Clipping Service

ACET Library provides newspaper clipping service on news related to Our College. Library has made an archive newspaper clippings of our college (coverage period: 2009 to till date). User can access all types of newspaper clippings related to our college news.

Employment Awareness Service

ACET Library has taken up special interest in providing updated information on available job opportunities.
